AutoreAlarc Emmanuel S?nchez
TitoloNueva evangelizaci?n y primer anuncio
RivistaFacies domini
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract From the beginning of John Paul II's Pontificate, the Church has been speaking about the necessity of a 'New evangelization'. This was the subject of the thirteenth Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, whose final message and Propositions of the new evangelization are analyzed here. Initial proclamation has its features and particular shape. As an action of the Church, initial proclamation has its origin in the Trinitarian life and leads each man and woman to Communion with God and with other Christians. This pastoral activity needs to be structured in a process. Cathechesis is a part of this process, but not entire process. Finally, two issues are proposed to pastoral theology: the necessity of Conversion (both for the individuals and communities) and 'Sinodality' as an expression of the Church's communion.