AutoreRiparelli Enrico
TitoloPercorsi di dialogo interreligioso: R. Panikkar, E. L?vinas, P. Ricoeur
RivistaStudia patavina
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract In this study we intend to explore three different trends of religious dialogues as they are proposed by some famous thinkers of our time: R. Panikkar, E. L?vinas and P. Ricoeur. Several and various situations have appeared at the meetings among people of different faiths; for this reason theory and practice of inter-religious dialogue are called to: listen to specific contexts, promote a ?recognizing? dialogue with the other; activate a wide range of answers attuned to the pluralistic signs of times. In our study we focus on the contributors of these three authors at the meeting on mankind's cultural and religious traditions. However we cannot help remarking how a few elements of their proposal are less convincing.