AutoreFerrari Piermario
Titolo'Laboris causa': una testimonianza antropologica. A Carlo Maria Martini: una memoria feconda
RivistaStudi ecumenici (+ Quaderni)
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path' (Ps 119:105), these are the words chosen by Card. Martini to be written on his tomb. These fully reveal the primacy assumed by the Word in all of his life. Next to that directed by the Word was the attention he had for Jewish tradition. Martini emphasized in particular the proven loss by the Christian community of believers in Jesus Christcaused by the so called proto-schism in which the Church was deprived of the judeo-christian nourishment. It was more than ever indispensable to recover a positive relationship with living Judaism.