AutoreKuschel Karl-Josef
TitoloDie Aktualit?t des Projektes Welthethos und die Notwengigkeit einer abrahamischen ?kumene von Juden, Christen und Muslimen
RivistaBerliner Theologische Zeitschrift
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The present world situation is chatacterised by economic globalisation, ethnic and religious tensions and a tendency towards standardisation and homogeneisation. Even in political and strategic debates the influence of culture and religion on world politics is now appreciated (S. Huntington). In this situation the world religions, in particular the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Chriatianity and Islam, bear a special responsability for global peace and justice. The Global Ethics project strives to contribute towards this. While not ignoring differences it raises an awareness for the agreement between believers of various religions on core ethical questions. This paper aims at illustrating how this may work in practice.