AutoreKnitter Paul F.
TitoloChristian attitudes toward other religions: the challenge of committment and openness
RivistaPrajna Vihara
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract This essay outlines both the necessity and the difficulty that Christians face in working out a theology of religions that will sustain an authentic dialogue with other religions. The necessity for such a dialogical theology is grounded on the need for all religions to move from 'an age of monologue' to 'an age of dialogue'. The complexity has to do with the requirement of all dialogue: to be both truly committed to one's own religion and at the same time truly open to other religions. The author then outlines the four models in Christian theology for understanding other religions and shows how all of them, in one way or another, do not sufficiently foster both committment and openness. The models are:1)Replacement,2)Fulfillment,3)Mutuality,4)Acceptance. So the task of developing an adequate Christian theology of religions remains as a challenge to all Christians; such a theology must be worked out through dialogue with other Christians and with followers of other religions.