AutoreCastello Danilo
TitoloTradurre il messaggio. L'impatto missionario sulla cultura
RivistaAd gentes
Campo TematicoInterculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract ?The first stage of inculturation consists in the translating of the inspired Scripture into another language?: this is affirmed in a document published by the Pontifical Biblical Commission in 1993: The interpretation of the Bible in the Church. It constitutes the leitmotiv of this concluding essay of the monograph on ?Communication of the Faith and Bible translations?. Fr. Castello, taking inspiration from a study by the Nigerian Lamin Sanneh that is fundamental for this topic, illustrates the ?cultural appetite? of Christianity, which is based on the transcendence of the Word, which goes beyond the cultures in which it has been expressed, and has the ability to become incarnate in all cultures. So on the one hand he illustrates the contradiction of modern mission carried out as the expansion of Western civilisation and, on the other, the dialectical link between Bible and cultures, a relationship in which translation gives ?new forms? to the Bible, while its unchanging message, faithfully reproduced, influences the traditions, customs, values and history of peoples, even while respecting their substantial identity and ?diversity?. In conclusion the Author states that in the present development of the Church in all continents, ?proper? translations of the Bible oppose both the fragmentation of pluralism and monopolistic cultural globalization.