AutoreDe Giorgi Maria
TitoloLa "cattolicit?" del cattolicesimo giapponese
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Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract First of all, the Author examines the small but complex world of Japanese Catholicism, which is made up of three groupings: the so-called Christians of Nagasaki, the heirs of the martyrs and descendants of the ?hidden Catholics?; adult converts, who tend to hold a negative view of the religion from which they have come; and lastly a minority group that has the ability to build bridges between the Catholic faith and the earth in which it grows. then she turns her gaze upon this land: the world of Shinto, of Buddhism (in its many schools of thought); of Confucianism and of the spiritual values that are difficult to define in religious terms, but which are closely tied to traditional culture: the way of tea, the way of flowers, the way of martial arts?The Church of God in Japan has launched a cautious process of discernment and assimilation of this world, at two levels: a form of spontaneous assimilation of traditional values that find a new blossoming in Christianity; and the experiences set in motion, with courage and prophetic intuition, by charismatic personalities.