AutorePasinato Matteo
TitoloComunitą ecclesiale e comunitą politica: l?istanza democratica e i diritti umani
RivistaStudia patavina
Pagine579 - 604
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Democratic expectations and human rights are among the most urgent problems taken into consideration by the Council and its pastoral institution Gaudium et spes. The council theme opens to more general considerations beginning with the critical evangelical question put to Jesus on the tribute to Caesar and with God lordship. After considering the Council text (Gaudium et spes and its various editions) this article focuses on two crucial questions still troubling the believers: the relation between Christian life and politics. The former is the opportunity of ?receiving? from the world of men, even at present; the latter opportunity means to ?receive? discernment criteria from the Council on the anthropological and social emergency of civil community.