AutoreBertalot Renzo
TitoloLa fede cristiana e le religioni
RivistaStudi ecumenici (+ Quaderni)
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract By gathering some ideas from Christian mission's first impact in pagan lands, the author offers an overview of the current reflections of theologians in comparison with other religions. It is possible to establish general schemas that go from very rigid 'exclusivism' to 'inclusivism', leaving aside interest for 'relativisms' and 'syncretisms' of various types. We need to re-evaluate the philosophy of religion to the extent that it is offered as an instrument not to diminish metaphysics or trascendence but as an occasion to collaborate together and to translate the respective 'last' motivations (still incompatible) into 'penultimate' values for all of humanity waiting for the times that God alone knows.