AutoreHejazi Sara
TitoloEssere tempo. Attenzione al presente e pensiero al futuro in un monastero zen italiano
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The concept of Time is a cultural concept. However, as any other cultural product in contemporary societies, its "nature" is all the more plural, fragmented, and shifting from linear, to circular, to spiral and back. Given this new identity of Time in contemporary western societies, the paper investigates the negotiation of the different meanings and rhythms of Time in a Buddhist zen monastery in northern Italy. For zen Buddhism, Time is nothing other than Time-being, a concept introduced in the 13th century by zen master Dogen. But how does the zen concept of Time display in a cultural Italian framework characterized by a totally different meaning of Time? The negotiation of different time conceptions is a typical example of how cultural and religious innovation adapts to new environments.