AutoreFamer Joseph
TitoloPluralitą des religions et unicitą du salut en J?sus-Christ
RivistaRevue Theologique de Louvain
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Christianity, which today is more or less well rooted in five continents is massively confronted, including in Europe, with the challenge of great non-Christian cultures and religions apparently impermeable to the proclamation of the Gospel (one thinks of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism). Faced with these venerable cultures, three millennia old or more in the case of the Asian ones, with cultures steeped in mysticism or peaceful wisdom slightly tinged with scepticism, how can Jesus, situated in a point of space and time, present himself as the sole and universal saviour? The article recalls the evolution of the Catholic Church as far as theology of non-Christian religions is concerned ? from an exclusivist to an inclusivist attitude, before moving with difficulty towards a positive appreciation of religious plurality as such. Is it however on the (inter)religious plane that Christianity has to situate itself?