AutoreJames Robinson
TitoloLa rencontre interreligieuse d'apr?s Paul Tillich
RivistaLaval Theologique et Philosophique
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract We should rethink the familiar three-category typology in terms of Paul Tillich's subtle analysis of the different depths of our encounters. (I) At the detached level of observation, comparison, analysis, and evaluation, we may be "pluralists " : the global religions seem equally valuable as vehicles of religious transformation. Yet, at almost the same time, (2) at the level of empathetic participation, we may be "inclusivists" : the norm for convincing religious truth remains the structures of our own faith, but we find analogies elsewhere, and we sense some of their power, or (3) at the properly religious level ? where the concern is not with explanation or appreciation but with being healed or made whole, both as individuals and as groups ? we may validly be "exclusivists" : at least in certain types of situation (i.e., as contextual exclusivists) we may bear existential witness to what grasps us uniquely and most deeply determines who and what we are.