AutoreAveline Jean-Marc
TitoloTh?ologie et sciences religieuses sur le pluralisme religieux
RivistaLaval Theologique et Philosophique
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The contemporary theological debate on the encounter of world religions may profit from the comparison with a similar debate from the beginning of last century, following the encounter of theology with the history of religions. In this article, we recall a few key moments of that earlier debate. Beginning with the struggle between Ernst Troeltsch and Julius Kaftan, we then consider how the question evolves in the writings of Paul Tillich : from his first German teaching, where he lays the theoretical foundations of his theology of religions, to his last American years, when he gets involved in actual religious encounters. The debate is considered here from the point of view of the epistemological status of theology in its relation to religious sciences.