AutoreSaranyana Josep-Ignasi
TitoloMemoria hist?rica, remisi?n del tiempo y petici?n de perd?n. A prop?sito del di?logo interreligioso
RivistaScripta Theologica
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract To ask for forgiveness and to concede it constitutes a fundamental characteristic of the New Covenant. thus the Our father is the most appropriate prayer for this. john Paul II has reminded us that one must ask for forgiveness, not just for one?s own sins, but also for the sins of Christians and of all man throughout the ages. This implies a transcendental consideration of time together with an adequate conception of the unity of mankind. History itself offers few arguments in favour of asking forgiveness. It is to Theology that one must look, in order for it to enlighten historical deeds.