AutoreMeddi Luciano
TitoloCatechesi e pluralismo. La necessit? di vie plurali nella comunicazione del messaggio
RivistaEuntes docete
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract This article studies the base and the motivation of the plural dimension of the massage in the catechism and in the catechesis. The Christian message has often been taught in a different way: both in the form of the catechism and in the choice of the themes and the theological languages. After the reconstruction of the theological and cultural pluralism in the catechesis, the author analyzes the relationship between catechesis and plurality in the XX century through the study of some important moments of the European Catechesis such as the Dutch catechism (1966), the replection of the French writer J. Colomb, the italian catechism of the adults (1981 and 1995). Also the pubblication of CCC has suggested a refounding of the national catechisms in a pluralistic perspective. This demands a theological and pastoral foundation of the pluralism in the transmission of faith that must be found in the church's missionary nature. The announce in the contemporary culture will be successful if it becomes deeply integrated with the human person and its development. Therefore, mission requires a plural catechesis in the way of enculturation and contextualization.