AutoreToso Mario
TitoloIl compito della Chiesa e della dottrina sociale: annunciare il Vangelo della misericordia/carit? in un contesto di globalizzazione
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract In this years following the Second Vatican Council, various documents, which enable us to penetrate more deeply into the Church's mission and its doctrine or social teaching as the space where the proclamation and testimony of God's mercy take place, have been rendered public at both a universal and local level. Above all, this study underlines how the social doctrine of the Church combines the message of God's mercy with references to the subject of justice, solidarity, efficiency and the reform of the state's social policy in the context of globalisation. This also, among other things, permits the a. to conclude that in the presence of the "res novae", the globalisation of mercy must be also be accompanied by the globalisation of the same social doctrine and the civilisation of love.