AutoreWalz Heike
TitoloInterkulturelle Theologie und Geschlecht. Herausforderungen fur Europa am Beispiel Lateinamerikanischer Theologinnen
RivistaBerliner Theologische Zeitschrift
Campo TematicoInterculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Taking the contributions of Latin American theologians as an example, the article analyzes the challenges for European discourses about intercultural theology and gender: An appreciation of the particular, but often invisible Latin American cultural work by taking the example of Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz (1651-1695) as an intercultural and aesthetic theologian; Latin American Women's theology as forming part of spiral intercultural dialogues between the South and the North; asking for the orientation towards ?the colonial wound? and ?the brokennes into two paths (nepantla)? in the present contexts of migration. Finally, the article calls for a deconstruction of Euro-American centred conceptions of gender in intercultural theology and gender studies.