AutorePirone Bartolomeo
TitoloGesł nell'Islam
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The Koran speaks of Jesus with different names, viz., ?Is?, Messiah, prophet, messenger of God, servant of God, ?spirit? that comes from God, word of God and seal of the prophets of the sons of Israel. Normally Islamic texts speak of Jesus while recalling also his mother, Mary. They are two individuals whose election represents a reality that is unique and indivisible within the divine revelation to man at a given time. This article considers what the Koran recognizes Christ to have been and what it denies concerning his relations with God in a doctrinal sense. Jesus is among those closest to God, is in the good, is the knowledge of the Hour, is a thaumaturge and, above all, is and remains a man and a prophet. Nevertheless, from an attentive analysis of the historicity of Christ as it is formulated by exegesis and from Islamic tradition, there seems to emerge a kind of necessary and recognized subalterity on the part of Jesus to Muhammad. This assumption necessarily implies that nothing that the Koran asserts about Mary and Jesus her son can prescind from the person of Muhammad and should in no way ignore the reality of Muhammad and the content of the universal message that he brought to humanity by divine will.