AutoreGaziaux  ?ric
TitoloReprise conclusive : Penser la diff?rence dans la crise culturelle de l'Europe
RivistaRecherches de Science Religieuse
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Taking as its point of departure a ?rereading? of the preparatory dossier, then of the colloquium on the subject of ?Thinking difference in the cultural crisis of Europe. Christian experience revisited?, this article proposes as a third step four themes to pursue reflection that are vital issues both for the credibility of theological discourse and for Christian experience in the contemporary context. The first involves the status of theological discourse, the second the reference to tradition, the third rehabilitating theologal anthropology specific to Christian tradition and the fourth the dimensions and tasks of the Christian ethics.