AutoreGiuliani Massimo
TitoloIl dialogo non ? (solo) diplomazia. Sui rapporti tra ebrei e cristiani in quanto ?questione halakhica?
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Is it possible to reduce dialogue to diplomacy, as some contemporary Jewish thinkers and ?rulers? (posekim) claim? In this essay, the a. tries to better understand the statement known as ?Confrontation? by the influential American rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who, in 1964 ? a year before Nostra Aetate was promulgated ? suggested that Jews should never engage in any dialogue with Christians on religious or theological topics. How should such a statement have been interpreted then, and how should it be interpreted today, fifty years after Nostra Aetate? Should Christianity really be read as a ?avod? zar?, thus as ?an extraneous faith?? Are there, in orthodox/modern Jewish Orthodox, different approaches to the issue of a Jewish-Christian dialogue as a (delicate) halakhic matter?