AutoreGiuliano Salvatore
TitoloLa mistica ebraica e le sue grandi correnti (I)
RivistaRassegna di Teologia
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract In the spiritual journey of the Jew people from the biblical one to that of the present days, many persons, moved by the ardent love for the Eternal, have searched for the unio mystica in a different way. Although Hebraism, in the development of its creed, insisted more on the observance of the Law than on the intimacy with God, however, the mystical currents that developed in its interior, especially the kabbalah and chasidism, produced in the faith of the holy people a real regeneration of ancient religious tradition. In the ever more topical challenge of interreligious dialogue, deepening of the mystical current, present in a so polyhedral way in all religions, will definitely help the mutual knowledge in building new bridges of friendship and peace.