AutoreMazzotta Guido
TitoloFigure e prospettive di inculturazione
RivistaEuntes docete
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The author meditates on the history of Christian culture along the three phases that constitute the vivid event of the ecclesial tradition. The present phase is characterized by the demand to institute or renew the relationship between Gospel and Culture. The past phase is identified with the Augustinian model of a Christian culture that unifies almost two-thousand years of European history and constitutes its true ethos and identity. The peculiar ability of European Christianity to realize universally will be decisive for the coming time. For it shows the anthropological and cultural richness that overflow from the absoluteness and salvific unicity of Christ's Cross ; it indicates in the reciprocal fecundation between philosophy, theology, and spirituality the dawning Christian inculturation ; it favours a fraternal intercultural dialogue, bringing it back to the foundation of the common metaphysical identity of all people.