AutoreBiguzzi Giancarlo
TitoloIl Nuovo Testamento, le culture e le religioni
RivistaEuntes docete
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Our time is characterized by a vivid interest for religions or cultures other than ours. In this respect, to prevent the emotive trend from uncritically exercising its influence, it is necessary for it to be accompanied by theological reflexion. Intended to be a kind of aid and documentation, the article examines : I. the NT explicit positions, and II. its implicit overtures or closures towards Judaism, the Greek and Roman pantheon, and the surrounding cultures. As a conclusion, III. an attempt is made to read diachronically the inter-religious and inter-cultural relations of the Christian movement, and to foresee what be happening in the third millennium.