AutoreRizzi Giovanni
TitoloModelli giudaici e Giudeo-Cristiani per un'inculturazione della fede
RivistaEuntes docete
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract This study considers the ancient versions of the OT., in the Jewish and Christian contexts, as possible models of inculturation of the Jewish and Christian faiths in the respective cultural areas for which the versions are produced. In this sense, the ancient versions of the OT in Greek (cf. LXX), the Aramaic paraphrases (Tg) and the Latin versions (VL and Vg) are not considered translations of Hebrew or Greek archetypical texts, but authoritative interpretations and exegesis of the ancient Jewish and Christian traditions. The specificity of their hermeneutical material could also enrich the apparatus of the modern versions of the OT, especially when they are intended for the inculturation of the Christian faith.