AutoreRouthier Gilles
TitoloLe dialogue comme concept interpr?tatif du Concile Vatican II. ?v?nement, exp?rience et enseignment
RivistaScience et Esprit
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract It is not easy to describe Vatican II Council in a single word. Any such attempt is inherently limited. Some have proposed that ?communion? is the key concept to interpret Vatican II. This article suggests ?dialogue? as a key interpretative concept, not only through a scrutiny of Vatican II texts, but also considering Council Vatican II as an event as well as taking into account the representations that it provoked. Not only did Vatican II present itself and was understood as an experience in dialogue within the Church and between the Church and the world, but this Council was the first ecumenical Council to have developed and promoted a teaching on dialogue. Moreover the decree Dignitatis Humanae explicits the conditions which make dialogue possible between the Catholic Church on the one hand and non-Catholic Christians and non-believers on the other hand. Finally, Vatican II finds a theological basis for dialogue in God?s own way of acting (Revelation, liturgy).