AutoreBossuyt Philippe,  Radermakers Jean
TitoloRencontre de l'incroyant et inculturation. Paul ? Ath?nes (Ac 17, 16-34)
RivistaNouvelle revue Theologique
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Paul's discourse to the Aeropagus of Athens, in the Acts of the Apostles, offers us valuable information about the way of enculturation the Christian message into a philosophical language, without falling into the trap of easy assimilation and misleading confusion. What strikes us in Paul's discourse is both his faithfulness to the living Word of God in Jesus Christ and a denunciation of the limitation of a human thought that is not open to God's revelation in the course of history. A meticulous analysis of Paul's discourse (human ignorance; divine revelation; human identity; judgment and forgiveness) delineates the thought process and the true implication of the missionary discourse.