AutoreAveline Jean-Marc
TitoloEvolution des problématiques en théologie des religions
RivistaRecherches de Science Religieuse
Campo TematicoInterreligiosità
Parole Chiave
Abstract At the beginning of this first dossier, J.M. Aveline has chosen to pick out three types of questioning that Christian theology faces in the problematic of inter-faith encounter and dialogue, from the standpoint of the history of religions: 1. Be aware of the relativity of Christianity in so far as it is a historical phenomenon, and take up the challenge theologically; 2. Examine the elements that define Christianity in its singularity within the plurality of religions, and propose an attitude and a commitment for the Church; 3. Evaluate the difficulties and the importance of concrete experience in inter-faith encounter, and use its fecundity for a renewed understanding of the mystery of faith.