AutoreButturini Giuseppe
TitoloChiesa cattolica e mondo cinese nel grande secolo missionario (1842-1949)
RivistaAd gentes
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Missions in China during the ? Great Missionary Century? (1850-1950) involved more than thirty thousand persons, among men and women, belonging to more than fifty religious congregations. A testimony of apostolic passion, holiness and martyrdom that finds no comparison, not even in the first centuries of Christianity. This enterprise, however, took place in the shadow of an atrocious colonialism, from which the missionaries were not able to turn themselves away. The first part of the essay deals with the ?unequal treaties?, with China's cultural and political revival that eventually did not come to approaching Christianity, but rather to adopting the ideology and praxis of the People's Republic. The second part deals with China as a ?missionary laboratory? where the ?modern evangelization method? took shape, finding its prophets in Lebbe, Cotta, De Guebriant, Manna, etc., its magna charta in the Maximum illud and its staunchest realizer in mgr Costantini. The third part addresses the relationship between Chinese culture and Christianity, showing how a belated attempt was made to resume the path marked out by Matteo Ricci. In the conclusion, the Author puts two questions: why does the Holy Seat promote, in thirty years (1920-1949), reforms that have been hoped for but never achieved since centuries? Why does Christianity in China remain, even before the Communist revolution, a very little minority, despite the generous efforts that the missionaries spent there?