AutoreBresciani  Umberto
TitoloCome i confuciani vedono il cristianesimo
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Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
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Abstract After having underlined the importance of Confucian scholars in Chinese history and culture, and after having remembered that today, like yesterday, Confucians don't see themselves as followers of any religion, but they appreciate learned people from all religions, the Author focuses attention on the fact that Matteo Ricci quickly realized this situation and decided to abandon his Buddhist monk frock to wear a scholar robe and grow a beard like them. It was a fundamental turning point for the freedom of Christian mission, but completely undermined by the sad story of the Rites. In the 20th century there was, by the Chinese side, a rejection of Confucian values, culminated with the Cultural Revolution, after which, however, a gradual return took place. Today it appears increasingly likely that in a rather short time China will be once again a fundamentally Confucian country. In this perspective, the Author draws the attention to two prominent neo-Confucian thinkers, Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) and Tang Junyi (1909-1978), who are still very influential. Both of them intend to show how Confucianism can be easily combined with other religions in the hearts of people. This helps to understand a phenomenon that is typical in Chinese history as well as today: the "double membership" that some eminent personalities have realized, feeling both Confucian and Christian.