AutoreStefani Piero
Titolo?Se qualcuno ascolta la mia voce e apre la porta, entrer?...? (Ap 3,20). L'accoglienza nella tradizione biblica e nella tradizione cristiana
RivistaStudi ecumenici (+ Quaderni)
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The a. explains Apoc. 3-20 in the thinking of St. John on the reciprocal hospitality and home as between Jesus and his disciples, by referring explicity to John 14,23. But the far wider context is that of a relationship of covenant, as given expression in Is 19,5-6. In the body of the article the a. develops the meaning and value of hospitality in the rabbinical and Christian traditions: to emphasise the value, we have as it were to put God to one side or our direct connection with him, in the interests of our neighbour standing next to us, for whom the poor are not the means by which one arrives at honouring the presence of God or of Christ, but the condition and purpuose of the divine action. Finally the a. emphasises that, according to Apoc. 3,20, whoever opens the door to Christ then becomes his guest.