AutoreDe Giorgi Maria, Sottocornola Franco
TitoloShinmeizan: un cammino di dialogo interreligioso in Giappone
RivistaAd gentes
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Shinmeizan is at the same time a ?house of inculturated prayer? and a ?center for inter-religious dialogue? established in 1987 by Franco Sottocornola, a Xaverian missionary, on the island of Kyushu (Japan) in collaboration with the Venerable Tairyu Furukawa, the founder of the Buddhist temple Seimeizan-Schweitzer. The life and activity of Shinmeizan are based on the desire to respond to the request of the Church in Asia to give priority to dialogue. Its animators are therefore aware that they are an expression of the Church's desire for dialogue. The demands of the sequela Christi impel believers to go beyond their own cultural and religious boundaries to listen to others and welcome them with love, in the discrete hope of sharing with them the greatest good that is Jesus Christ. The greatest obstacle to a true dialogue seems to be a certain ?pluralist theology? which, constricting religions within the limits of a generic religiosity, do not allow mutual witness to take place.