AutoreColin Pierre,  Joncheray Jean
TitoloLa th?ologie dans la culture. D?autres regards sur le corpus chr?tien. Du champ religieux au champ social
RivistaRecherches de Science Religieuse
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Western culture was strongly influenced by the Christian corpus, but theology, properly speaking, is only one of the channels by which the penetration of Christian ideas in culture operated and continues to operate. A very limited survey of contemporaneous authors illustrates the availability of the Christian corpus, open up to reinterpretations that are based on competencies (psychoanalytical, historical, literary, philosophical?) other than theological. This raises a first question that is addressed to professional theologians : to what degree does their reading of the Christian corpus allow itself to be influenced by those practiced by specialists of other disciplines, and what is, finally, the specificity of a theological reading in relation to those that compete with it ? A second question concerns more immediately these new interpreters of the religious fact, researchers and scientists, who restudy the religious corpus, often without confessional references. What ? interest? pushes them to ? transgress ? the limits of their disciplines in order to penetrate into the spiritual domain ? One can give this hypothesis : the process of secularization provokes other rationalities to assume the function of cohesion and coherence in the social field that theology exercised there in the past.