AutoreAmaladoss Michael
TitoloAn Indian Christology: the Dialogue Continued
RivistaVidyajyoti journal of theological reflection
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The a. replies to the dialogue initiated by Fr G. Gispert-Sauch on his article in the month of May this year. Fr Amaladoss shows that his thought was not properly presented in the critique, and that he stands for a universal role of salvation of the person of Jesus Christ precisely because he is divine (only God saves). The importance of the historical intervention of God in Jesus consists in his role in the universal reconciliation of all peoples, a work continued through the Church?s presence, involvement and action. This work does not cancel out the role of other forms of divine manifestation in the history of humanity.