AutoreHeredia Rudolf C.
TitoloGandhi?s Hind Swaraj: Need for a New Hermeneutic. I
RivistaVidyajyoti journal of theological reflection
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Gandhi is a critical traditionalist whose critique does speak to critical modernity today. There is much in ?modern civilization? he rejects, but not the liberative contribution of modernity: civil liberties, religious tolerance, equality, poverty alleviation. Rather his effort can be interpreted as an attempt to integrate these positive elements with a liberating reinterpretation of tradition. In his unique way he sets up a creative encounter for these integration, even as some see him as radical and others as reactionary. With his critique from within the tradition, Gandhi becomes the great synthesizer of contraries if not of contradictions, within and cross tradition. This paper is based on a presentation made at Pune University, Dept. of Philosophy, for a seminar on Rethinking Swaraj, 25-27 June, 1998.