AutoreFerretti Giovanni
TitoloCriteri di discernimento ed esemplificazioni dei "segni dei tempi".
RivistaUrbaniana University Journal
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The first part of the contribution proposes elements for a doctrine of the signs of time. Drawing on the Vatican II eclectic use of the doctrine, the a. puts forth an historico-hermeneutical interpretation and envisages its first analogate in the eschatological figure of Christ and then in the actuality of the Church, Christ?s sacramental sign in the world and eventually in that set of events that challenge faith to rethink herself in order to be more faithful to Christ and improve communication with men and women of different ages and cultures. The second part proposes some examples of actual discernment of the present day?s signs of time in the context of the manifold phenomenon of secularization, and within it, of postmodernity.