AutoreModiano Guido,  Ciminelli Bianca Maria
TitoloLe intolleranze per le ?diversitą ereditarie tra gruppił
RivistaReligioni e societą. Rivista di scienze sociali della religione.
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Our species consists of many groups settled ? and independently evolved ? in ecologically different areas by remaining ?reproductively isolated? for thousands or tens of thousands of years. Barely enough to cause a weak inter-groups variation for genetically variable neutral characters, but sufficient to create drastic differences for adaptive characters. In fact, every group ? having attained an ecologically ? specific adaptation ? has become ?genetically superior? to the other groups with respect to its specific environment (particularly so if it is an extreme one). In Homo sapiens, ?cultural evolution? too, superimposed to this obvious biological overall picture shared by all livings, played a (pivotal) role.