AutoreFranco Giuseppe
TitoloLa fondazione teologica dei diritti umani nell?epoca della globalizzazione
RivistaRivista teologica di Lugano
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The contribution analyses the reflections of the social encyclical Caritas in Veritate of Benedict XVI about human rights. It discusses the ritiques formulated against his thought, takes into consideration some writings of the theologian Joseph Ratzinger and some successive statements of his Pontifical magisterium on natural right and the Gospel as sources of the social doctrine of the Church. Looking at the problems of the topic and at the ?classical? objections to the thinking of natural right, the article offers arguments on the validity and the permanent significance of human rights and their normative value for human dignity. The theological foundation of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI bases itself on Christian Revelation and the faith in God, but it also responds to the rational discussion of human rights in the period of globalization.