AutoreLeproux Alexis
TitoloMis?ricorde et fid?lit?. Le fait d?Isra?l dans l??vangile selon saint Matthieu
RivistaNouvelle revue Theologique
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Does the use of the term Israel in the Gospel of Matthew allow one to speak of the ?rejection? of the Jews in the conception of the Church, as the people of God open to the nations? The article confronts the narrative originality of the first Gospel with the historical interpretations which have been made of it. The examination of the terms Israel, people, Jew, Church, nation and of Mt 8,11-12; 21,43; 27,25 allows us to understand how the newness of Christ manifests the fidelity of God towards his people: the first instance of the Church is Israel.