AutoreGuerrero Rafael Ram
TitoloMos? Maimonide alla luce delle categorie di inclusione ed esclusione. Una vicenda esemplare nella cultura del secolo XII
RivistaStudia patavina
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Maimonides was a Jewish physician and jurist of the XII century. His life and thought suit emblematically the reading ? in terms of inclusion and exclusion ? of these two categories at the centre of the modern intercultural debate. He was born and grew up in the multi-religious Spain. Eventually he was compelled to emigrate due to the intolerance of the Almohave dynasty. He based is thought on the possible conciliation between reason and revelation, between prophecy and theology. In his main work the Guide for the Perplexed he tries to dissolve the doubts the believers can feel when facing the problem of a symbolic interpretation of the Scripture. He considered this was the task of philosophy thus raising approvals as well as criticism inside the Jewish communities in Spain and in Southern France.