AutoreStefani Piero
TitoloRadici, potature e innesti. La paradossale agricoltura spirituale di Paolo
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The chapters 9-11 of Romans are often understood as the Magna Charta of the dialogue between Christians and Jews. The Jews are seen by Christians as "our root". This interpretation is an erroneous one. The discourse about the olive tree and the wild olive tree is an allegory,not a parable. The decoding of all particulars of the allegory shows clearly that the text is an example of an approach proposed by a Jew believing in Christ who lived in the first Century CE; Paul addressed his letter to a community composed by Jews and Gentiles both ones called to the faith in Christ. He doesn't write to Jews who are not believing in Jesus Christ. In conclusion, Romans 9-11 has an everlasting value as a fundamental component of the consciousness that the Church has of herself, but is not a direct guide for the current developments of the dialogue between Christians and Jews.