AutoreVolpe Angelina
TitoloLa missione in Giappone. Gli inizi: il potere e la gloria
RivistaUrbaniana University Journal
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The systematic persecution of Christians in Japan lasted for a longer period than the one at the time of the Roman empire. Oddly most Japanese people know little or nothing about this history of exceptional sufferance and courage. Although the history of the early missions has already been explored through indepth and analytical studies by renowned scholars, treasuring her twenty eight years of life in Japan the author?s aim is to outline the reasons why the early mission between XVI and XVII centuries had been so successful and why the Japanese government had relentlessly tried to eradicate Christianity from the Country. Is it likely to compare Japanese culture to a swamp thus preventing Christianity to take roots on this soil? Was it an issue of religious differences or of other kind?