AutoreKuruvachira Jose
TitoloI giovani nella societą multiculturale e multireligiosa attuale
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The young people of today live in an environment of an astounding cultural and religious pluralism. In such a context their attitudes towards other cultures range from discrimination, ethnocentrism, cultural resistance, conflict of values, cultural assimilation to cultural integration, and their approaches to other religions vary from fear of difference, exclusivism, relativism, syncretism, fanaticism, rejection of organized religions to exemplary committment to religious practices and remarkable openness to dialogue. Factors, such as, upbringing in the family, education received in school, type of religion practiced, mass media and political ideologies are responsible for this state of affaire. The challenge before the educators and pastors of today is to form the young people be the competent cultural mediators and agents of dialogue.