AutoreBuffon Giuseppe, Cancelli Paolo, Clemenza Antonino, Colag? Ivan, Guida Marco,  Oppes St?phan, Regordan Francisco Jos?, Riccardi Nicola, Salto Sol? Carlo
TitoloInclusivit? e integralit? a partire da Francesco e dalla Laudato si'. Spunti programmatici dalla Pontificia Universit? Antonianum
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract This contribution aims at presenting the potential synergies among some of the research lines currently at work at the Pontifical Antonianum University. The first section focuses on the figure of Francis of Assisi, his legacy and his freshness. The Saint of Assis has been considered, in the contemporary era, as the icon and model for the care of our common home. This image of Saint Francis stems from his own life, lived along the existential and religious axes of fraternity and minority. ?Beauty?, as recited by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, proposes itself as the reference for the virtuous way of staying at the common home. The second section focuses on an array of anthropological and cultural approaches that might be a stimulating background to deepen key themes of Laudato si?. Here, biblical, theological, philosophical and scientific topics intertwine, and here the Franciscan tradition is put in dialogue with other tenets of Cristian thinking and contemporary culture. The third section focuses on jurisprudential perspectives. Here, the ?cultural motives? sketched in the previous sections will converge on juridical developments potentially able to rule the human attitude towards the common home. The fundamental aim of this contribution is to propose a new, inclusive and integral model. Inclusive, i.e., not excluding any sector of the human life and any feature of creation. Integral, i.e., respectful of the polyhedral nature of creation and the symphonic character of its interconnected parts.