AutoreRuiz Portela Yinely,  Moya Padilla Nereyda Emelia
TitoloAn?lisis soci?logico del pentecostalismo en la comunidad religiosa de Covadonga de 1993 a 2013
RivistaReligioni e societą. Rivista di scienze sociali della religione.
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The study is conducted in the Community of Covadonga in Cienfuegos, Cuba; an initial investigation of Pentecostalism is presented in a few years when a variety of practices began to occupy certain spaces in the religious and spiritual picture of part of the Cuban people. The profound social changes brought about mainly by the so-called Special Period, in coordination with the economic blockade generated an increase in these activities in the religious community. The criteria for these actors reveal significant elements of the sociological fabric of religion.