AutoreRighi Davide
TitoloTestimoni martiri nell?islam e nel cristianesimo. Confronto teologico
RivistaRivista teologica di Lugano
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The paper attempts a theological match between the evolution of the concept of the word μάρτυς within christian tradition, and the concept of ?ahīd in Islamic tradition. The comparison is made starting from the Holy Scriptures and the Quran until the II-III century and the end of IX century A.D. The result is that we can find several analogies, but it exist an evaluable difference what about the environment in which this evolution has taken place. This is especially true what about the relation with the Authorities and the exercise of the power and of the violence. The difference is marked in the two traditions from the exemplarity of the life and death of Christ for Christian tradition and the exemplarity of life of Muhammad and his words what about the so called ?martyrs? of Islamic tradition.