AutoreBortolin Valerio
TitoloUniversalit? di diritti o universalit? del dovere? Jacques Maritain e Simone Weil a confronto tra fondamento e consenso
RivistaStudia patavina
Campo TematicoInterculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Taking as an example the positions of Jacques Maritain and Simone Weil, this article intends to express how the universality of human rights can conjugate together both the research of foundation and the research of consent provided that in an hermeneutical view the former is rooted in an historical - cultural context preventing its absolutisation and the latter is referred to a transcendent and unconditioned sphere preventing a relativistic resolution. In this view the universality of rights (Maritain) and the universality of duty (Weil) appear as two available paths stimulating an always actual debate.