AutoreVolpe Angelina
TitoloIl cristianesimo tra la fine dell?era Tokugawa e l?inizio della Restaurazione imperiale Meiji. L?ultima persecuzione
RivistaUrbaniana University Journal
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The article would attempt to retrace the efforts undertaken by the missionaries to return to Japan after the country?s reopening to the West in the 1800s. The a. is also going to relate and discuss the difficulties and struggles of those whom Bernard Petitjean called dear little flock, i.e., the Japanese Christians. What were the reasons why the change of government from the Shogunate to Meiji Reform did not immediately lead to end the persecution of Christians? What were the arguments of the authorities against the Christians? Why were 3,414 Christians, including women and children, deported from their village of Urakami? In order to facilitate a better understanding of these complex issues, the a. will also present the life and courageous testimonies of Takagi Senuemon and his companions. They were exiled and went through unsurmountable sufferings including torture and hunger. Had they apostatized, they could have avoided these sufferings, but they chose not to abandon their Christian faith.