AutorePace Enzo
TitoloThe Progressive Role of Religions in Advancing Human Rights Paradigm: a Sociological Perspective
RivistaReligioni e societą. Rivista di scienze sociali della religione.
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract Could religions play a progressive social role in advancing human rights? In the contemporary religious landscape, the culture of human rights is questioned in whole or partially by religious fundamentalist movements. Evoking the superiority of the rights of god or of the eternal cosmic order of Dharma these radical religious groups refuse the universal paradigm of human rights in the name of a supernatural and transcendental principle. Human rights paradigm, as working in progress, represents an institution in the world society. It is a constitutional pillar of the modern societal functional differentiation that actually seconds the religions aim at universal humanistic message much better that the principle of subordination of the politics and economics to the religious rule. For this reason it is important for the religious actors to retrieve the religious origins of this paradigm. The contribution particularly by the Christian religious minorities to develop the human rights discourse, as well as a social tool for the communicative action, in the cognitive and normative religious framework, represent the most relevant case the a. outlines in the article. The goal is to argue that the religous origins of the human rights paradigm could work as well as a self-riflexion process for the main world religions today.