AutoreMidali Mario
TitoloFondazione delle suore della caritą di Miyazaki: ruolo di don Antonio Cavoli, di don Vincenzo Cimatti e delle prime suore. Annotazioni storiche, critiche e teologiche (II)
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The essay places the birth of this religious institution within the wider horizon of the Salesians founded by Don Bosco. The necessity of a theological reading of the male dominated Christian culture in which this Congregation arose is noted. Next, it critically evaluates the documents and the available literature in order to verify the reliability offered by the historic data. Finally, it explains the various meanings (historic, psychological, sociological, judicial, theological, experiential-charismatic, theoretical-practical, moral and aesthetic) as applied to the names founder, co-founder and co-founders, which are used to define the roles played by Don Cavoli, Don Cimatti and by the first sisters. Subsequently, using this criteria, the author makes apparent, in a well documented and articulate manner, the contribution of each one of the above mentioned in the birth of the new Congregation. In the conclusion, it becomes absolutely clear that the foundation of this Congragation must be credited to the diverse forms of collaboration, both from an historical and a theological point of view, of each of these people: each one of them contributed to the founding of the Congregation in a way that was different from that of the others.