AutoreDemelemestre Ga?lle
TitoloDes relations entre les doctrines dominicaine et j?suite au XVIe si?cle. ?tude comparative des th?ories juridique et politique de Domingo de Soto et de Luis de Molina
RivistaLaval Theologique et Philosophique
Campo TematicoInterreligiositą e Interculturalitą
Parole Chiave
Abstract The controversies between the Dominicans and the Jesuits after the Council of Trent reflect the image of a split that would have occurred at that time within the second scholasticism, from which two doctrinal traditions would have been formed. However, is there a real interpretative break between the two orders ? Can we really find a difference in the data process or in the reasoning allowing to distinguish two traditions of thought ? These are the questions to which this article intends to give an answer by comparing the doctrine of two illustrious representatives of these orders, Domingo de Soto and Luis de Molina, on the crucial questions of the nature and function of law and political power. Soto is the first to propose a systematic exposition of the right and the law, and Molina extends his analyzes by taking up the same project. If their contemporaries do not seem to distinguish their theorisations from the law, some defining differences prefigure, nevertheless, divergencies which will be widened among their successors.